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Profile for :: suachuaphatloc2026
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Ranking: Unripe member
Registration date: 21/12/2021 06:30:17
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Biography: Whether or not the iPad is disappointing depends on what you were expecting the Apple tablet to be. For many hoping for a tablet type laptop as opposed to tablet style iPhone, it's a bit lacking expectations. There are some major complaints with the unit.

readmore : thay màn iphone 6s plus

The biggest is that there can only be one application on at a time just like on the iPhone. When the iPhone came out, it's understandable that there was this limitation. Since then, there are smart phones that can run more than one application. It seems backwards that a unit that costs more than a laptop can't run at least two applications at once. At least there should have been word processing and browser support to work together for the many writers and researchers out there who enjoy using both tools.

While there is 3G access with optional data plans, you are stuck on AT&T. If you are an iPhone user who has had horrible support and coverage, you are still stuck with it. It would be nice if the unit was unlocked and open to use on any data plan.

readmore : https://myspace.com/suachuaplmb/post/activity_profile_68356121_f29b439765a54c1baa3b6bccfa703930/comments

There are no USB ports. This would be an easy way to have extra data storage and even added hardware in the future. This seems more like an Apple focused goal instead of customer focused. Apple can create unit ports that they can sell their own hardware with as opposed to using standard technology.

If many were expecting an eBook reader that could surf the internet and use iPhone applications, this is a great device. If the expectation was a tablet computer like a laptop, this unit can be a bit disappointing.

readmore : https://www.woddal.com/post/636205_d%E1%BB%8Bch-v%E1%BB%A5-thay-man-iphone-6-6s-6-plus-6s-plus-t%E1%BA%A1i-ha-n%E1%BB%99i-%C4%91%E1%BB%8Dc-ti%E1%BA%BFp-https-bit-ly-3dn.html

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