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Junior member

Joined: 17/06/2015 12:33:14
Messages: 70
Location: Cluj-Napoca , Manastur

Buna ! Nu cred ca e categoria absolut potrivita, dar cum pot sa-mi schimb username-ul ?
Batran si obosit

Joined: 05/03/2002 02:00:00
Messages: 23583
Location: Bucuresti

Imi spui ce username ti-ai ales si se rezolva.

Samson & Delilah (2002) - Marele African (2007) - Angels in heaven (2010) - Life is like a box of chocolates (2011) - Nemo's House (2012) - The Big One (2012) - Cubul (2013) - The Return (2014) - Back to the roots (2015) - Un sumatran, doi sumatrani (2020)
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