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Hrana vie caras!  XML
Forum Index » Hrana
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Unripe member

Joined: 12/12/2017 13:57:26
Messages: 4


Ce parere aveti despe hrana vie la caras?

Am 3 carasi aurii si ii hranesc cu mancare de caras (granule) si mazare fiarta. Ma gandeam sa le mai schimb meniul si sa le dau si rama sau viermus.

Dar nu vreau sa ii imbolnavesc si caut niste parerii. Credeti ca este indicat ?

Multumesc !

Joined: 19/04/2011 15:50:00
Messages: 12976
Location: Bruxelles


In the wild, the diet of goldfish consists of crustaceans, insects, and various plant matter. Like most fish, they are opportunistic feeders and do not stop eating on their own accord. Overfeeding can be deleterious to their health, typically by blocking the intestines. This happens most often with selectively bred goldfish, which have a convoluted intestinal tract. When excess food is available, they produce more waste and faeces, partly due to incomplete protein digestion. Overfeeding can sometimes be diagnosed by observing faeces trailing from the fish's cloaca.

Goldfish-specific food has less protein and more carbohydrate than conventional fish food. Enthusiasts may supplement this diet with shelled peas (with outer skins removed), blanched green leafy vegetables, and bloodworms. Young goldfish benefit from the addition of brine shrimp to their diet. As with all animals, goldfish preferences vary.

In general, daca le dai mancare speciala (care deja contine toate suplimentele necesare) si suplimentezi cu mazare, zic eu ca e suficient, nu-ti complica viata inutil.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 11/05/2018 16:09:33

I'm Batman!

The Forgotten Sands
Release the kraken!
Soupe de poisson

Mi te supui.

Joined: 27/12/2017 20:48:12
Messages: 138
Location: Bucuresti

le mai poti da spirulina, ai mei ciugulesc cu placere din acele pastile cu spirulina speciale pt sanitari
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