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Spotted Mandarin (Synchiropus picturatus)  XML
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Joined: 12/12/2013 23:41:44
Messages: 4731
Location: Berks

Spotted Mandarin (Synchiropus picturatus)

Acest peste este inmultit in captivitate de ORA.

De pe LiveAquaria:

Quick Stats
Minimum Tank Size 30 gallons
Care Level Difficult
Temperament Peaceful
Reef Compatible Yes
Water Conditions 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
Max. Size 4"
Color Form Black, Blue, Green, Orange
Diet Carnivore
Compatibility View Chart
Origin Indo-Pacific
Family Callionymidae

The Spotted Mandarin, also referred to as the Spotted Mandarinfish, Psychedelic Mandarinfish, Psychedelic Fish, or Picture Dragonet, was first found in the Western Pacific Ocean in 1976 by Peters. The head, fins, and body are a psychedelic combination of blue, orange, and black spots on a green base. Males may be distinguished from females by their more-elongated first dorsal spine.
It requires a 30 gallon or larger aquarium with live substrate and plenty of hiding places. It is moderately hardy in reef aquariums if given special care. It is not overly aggressive towards other fish, except for conspecifics.

The Spotted Mandarin has been known to spawn successfully in an aquarium.

The diet should consist of a variety of live vitamin-enriched brine shrimp and live black worms. It will eat natural prey off live rock and live sand.

Un film cu un exemplar juvenil:

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 27/03/2018 23:31:05

Pana acum eram sarac dar mi-am cumparat un dictionar de sinonime si acum sunt nevoias, sarman, oropsit si necajit.

Joined: 12/12/2013 23:41:44
Messages: 4731
Location: Berks

Si o poza cu acelasi exemplar.

[Thumb - 20180325_161104.jpg]

Pana acum eram sarac dar mi-am cumparat un dictionar de sinonime si acum sunt nevoias, sarman, oropsit si necajit.

Joined: 19/09/2008 16:34:13
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Location: Bistrita - Romania

nu stiam de ce e asa gras al meu picturatus...femela......
a inceput sa manance si pellets de la nutrionion one formula.

sunt happy

masculul din pacate ..nu s-a acomodat prea bine desi umblam toata ziua cu artemia congelata dupa el..lua de cateva ori si apoi nimic..in final a devenit prea slab..

Joined: 19/04/2011 15:50:00
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Location: Bruxelles

Mandarinul meu mananca rotiferi congelati

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Io cre' ca-ti bea si din vin, atunci cand se duce el la frigider ca sa-si ia rotiferii aia...

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Joined: 19/04/2011 15:50:00
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I'm Batman!

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Joined: 14/11/2014 22:19:16
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koala wrote:Io cre' ca-ti bea si din vin, atunci cand se duce el la frigider ca sa-si ia rotiferii aia...

Nu cred ca se atinge mandarinul de vin, batmanel sta foarte slab cu vinul!
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