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Regal Angelfish (Pygoplites diacanthus)  XML
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Joined: 12/12/2013 23:41:44
Messages: 4731
Location: Berks

Regal Angelfish (Pygoplites diacanthus)

De pe LiveAquaria:

Quick Stats
Minimum Tank Size
125 gallons
Care Level
Reef Compatible
With Caution
Water Conditions
72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025
Max. Size
Color Form
Black, Blue, White, Yellow
View Chart
Fiji, Indonesia, Madagascar, Maldives, Red Sea, Vanuatu

With vivid vertical striations of blue, white, yellow, or orange on the body and pelvic fin, the Regal Angelfish deserves this distinctive name. Regal Angelfish from the Maldives and the Red Sea have a distinctive yellow breast, where their Indo-Pacific, Coral Sea, Vanuatu and Tahitian relatives normally have a blue/gray breast. This coloration is more prevalent in specimens that are more mature and are at least 4" in length. Juveniles will have a "False Eye Spot" on their dorsal fins that fades and the fish matures.
Regal Angelfish from the Red Sea, Maldives, Coral Sea, Fiji and Tahiti are good shippers and are harvested and handled with care, and normally will adapt more easily than their Indo-Pacific counterparts to the home aquarium.

The Regal Angelfish is more difficult to maintain than other species of angels so it should be introduced first so that it may stake out its territory in advance of other fish. A minimum of a 125 gallon tank with plenty of hiding places and live rock for grazing will offer a good environment. The Regal Angelfish may nip at large-polyped stony corals, an occasional soft coral and clam mantles, but may be kept with small-polyped stony corals and somewhat noxious soft corals.

To entice a Regal Angelfish to eat, use a diet of fresh shrimp and chopped seafood. The diet should also include herbivore preparations which include Spirulina and marine algae, and angelfish preparations containing sponges.

Approximate Purchase Size: Juvenile Medium: 1-3/4" to 2-1/2"; Small: 1-1/2" to 2"; Small/Medium: 2: to 2-3/4"; Medium: 2-3/4" to 3-1/4"; Medium/Large: 3-1/4" to 4"; Large: 4" to 5" XLarge: 5" to 7"

Informatii suplimentare aici.

Video la magazin cu un exemplar adult tanar (juvenilii au un ochi fals pe inotatoarea caudala):

Pana acum eram sarac dar mi-am cumparat un dictionar de sinonime si acum sunt nevoias, sarman, oropsit si necajit.

Joined: 26/06/2014 14:12:14
Messages: 2898
Location: Targu Mures

Am avut adult, problema cu ei e ca daca nu le poti asigura dieta lor speciala, dupa un timp se duc, ~8-12 luni cam atat a trait

Joined: 12/12/2013 23:41:44
Messages: 4731
Location: Berks

ocean wrote:Am avut adult, problema cu ei e ca daca nu le poti asigura dieta lor speciala, dupa un timp se duc, ~8-12 luni cam atat a trait

Banuiesc ca de asta zice Difficult la Care Level.
Daca a supravietuit perioada initiala, inseamna ca a avut intradevar probleme cu dieta. Ce mancare ai incercat cu al tau?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 07/02/2018 09:21:58

Pana acum eram sarac dar mi-am cumparat un dictionar de sinonime si acum sunt nevoias, sarman, oropsit si necajit.

Joined: 26/06/2014 14:12:14
Messages: 2898
Location: Targu Mures

In afara de scoici si granule(si alea de calitate slaba Sera) nu gaseam altceva pe la noi in 2007
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